Monday, May 11, 2009

Cricket & Spider

A couple months ago I did some illustrations for both Cricket and Spider magazines, and they just came out in the May/June issue. These were really fun jobs and the people were great to work with. It's funny that both stories revolved around a similar character (a grumpy old guy).

The Spider illustrations were for a poem called 'Mr. Ollie Odenhofer' by Monica Gudlewski. Please excuse the image quality. I haven't gotten the originals back yet so I just took a snapshot of the magazines.

The Cricket illustrations were for a tall Tale called 'Making Do' by Joan E. McCarthy.

Many thanks go out to Sue and Karen for involving me in these projects.


Chris Rahn said...

These look amazing, the paint quality's immaculate. Good work man, love the characters too.

Kerry said...

These are so great! Are you going to get hard copies? how many? (wink)

when does your highlights story come out?

Dusty said...

Really nice work as usual Mark. The characters are all really fun to look at, even down to the pigeons.

Frank said...

these are hillarious!
the modern day old man could be the decendant to the old german man!

great to see new work!!
scanning the actual magazine, you show off!

Betty Edwards said...

these looks SO good, great job!
amazing ;)

Ivan M said...

Wow! Glad to see you updated! And what an update! Great work Mark!

The Meyers said...

Those look awesome, good job Mark!

Ian T. Kirkpatrick said...

Awesome work Mark! Keep it up man!

Anonymous said...

These are just wonderful. . .love the old man!!

Chris Rahn said...

New Post! New Post! :)

Dusty said...