Friday, June 20, 2008

When pigs fly...... or at least try to!

This has been sitting next to my desk for quite awhile waiting to get painted , and finally I had a chance to get it all finished. 13x19 acrylic on watercolor paper

(click it to see it bigger)
(line drawing)


Kristi Valiant said...

Wow, what an amazing painting! I love it.

Ryan McCulloch said...

This is GREAT! Great characters dude. I always love your work.

Unknown said...

this is really nice Mark. I noticed we did a one-two punch over at illustration mundo. We couldn't have planned that better. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Really beautiful work Mark. Really dynamic.

C.B. Canga said...

nice work on this blog. very cool. i like the composition in this piece

crystal driedger said...

Your work is so beautiful I can hardly believe this is the first time I've stumbled across your work! What a wack of wonderful work (say that a hundred times over)... I'll be bookingmarking you!

crystal driedger said...
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crystal driedger said...

I'm back... to give your blog an award. Passing it along from Jannie Ho of chickengirl design. Come stop on by my blog to claim your prize.

Unknown said...

Beautiful job.
Mind if I ask what technique you use with the acrylics to get that almost colored pencil look?

Mark Meyers said...

Tom- My intention isn't really to make it look like colored pencil. But the effect comes from doing the final details with smaller brushes with varying layers of dry brushing and glazes. Hope that helps.